Songnisan National Park
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Songnisan National Park is located in the central part of South Korea. The national park encompasses an area of 106 square miles (274.54 sq km) and was the country's sixth national park.
The national park is nestled in the middle of the Sobaek Mountains with the mountain named Songnisan serving as the focal point of the park. The mountain reaches a summit of 3,471 feet (1,058 m). The range is at the heart of South Korea.
The Jeongipumsong pine tree is one of the local favorites. It has special cultural history to the local people. The region is not know for wildlife, however, some of the favorite hopeful sightings include otter, marten, small-eared cat, and the flying squirrel. There are endemic bird species that complement the wildlife opportunities.
Songnisan mountain is a highlight of the park and serves as the park's namesake. The range runs along the spine of South Korea. The pristine wilderness delivers astounding beauty and stunning landscapes. The views are easily some of the highlights for both local and international visitors. The national park is also home to history and amazing cultural significance.
Beopjusa, also called Beopju Temple, is nestled at alongside the slopes of Songnsian adding to the uniqueness of the mountain. The Bhuddist temple was built in 553 as part of the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism. This historic site is home to three national treasures and several other items of cultural significance.
The temple and surrounding grounds served as the set for the movie Game of Death starring Bruce Lee.
Songnisan National Park Trails
Hiking and walking around the incredible wilderness is one of the main activities for those exploring the national park. There are a number of trails ranging in difficulty. The majority are moderate to difficult in rating.
Park Protection
Songnisan National Park was established to protect the remarkable landscape found throughout the mountain range. Additionally, the park protects the historical Beopjusa temple and the heritage it represents.
The park also protects endangered species both on land and in the rivers running through the park.
Songnisan Highlights
- Mount Songnisan
- Beopjusa Buddhist temple
Park Map
- All Trails, Best Trails in Songnisan National Park, https://www.alltrails.com/parks/south-korea/chungcheongbuk-do/songnisan-national-park, retrieved September 2021.
- Imagine Your Korea, Songnisan National Park, https://english.visitkorea.or.kr/enu/ATR/SI_EN_3_1_1_1.jsp?cid=264126, retrieved September 2021.
- Korea National Park Service, Songinsan, https://english.knps.or.kr/Knp/Songnisan/Intro/Introduction.aspx?MenuNum=1&Submenu=Npp, retrieved September 2021.
- Korea T Track, Songinsan National Park, https://www.koreattrack.com/songnisan-national-park.html, retrieved September 2021.
- Korean Temple Guide, Beopjusa, https://koreantempleguide.com/beopjusa-temple-%EB%B2%95%EC%A3%BC%EC%82%AC-boeun-gun-chungcheongbuk-do/, retrieved September 2021.
- Peaks and Penguines, Songnisan, https://www.peaksandpenguins.com/koreas-national-parks/songnisan/, retrieved September 2021.