Tadoba Andhari National Park
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Tadoba Andhari National Park is located in cental India not too far south of Nagpur. The national park and reserve covers an area of 241.5 square miles (625.5 sq km). The smaller Tadoba National Park within the protected area accounts for 45 square miles (116.55 sq km), however many people combine the reserve and park and reference collectively as Tadoba Andhari National Park.
The national park is the oldest and largest protected area in the state of Maharashtra. The lucious grove is pervasive across the Ganges Delta. The collective area is one of the largest tiger reserves in the world.
The collective protected area features the Chimur Hills, Hoharli mountains, and the Kolsa mountains. The northern portion of the park is blanketed with thick forests. The ranges feature cliffs, talus, and caves which provide a place for wildlife to escape inclement weather.
Tadoba Lake, Kolsa Lake, and the Andhari River are all water sources where visitors have opportunities to see the mugger crocodiles. As watering holes, there are also chances to see other wildlife coming to drink.
The think forest, rolling terrain, and meadow vegetation serve as incredible habitat for the Bengal tigers and the parks wildlife. Along with the tiger, the Indian leopard, striped hyena, Indian civet, jungle cats, dhole, and the mugger or marsh crocodiles are the leading predator species that visitors hope to witness. Along with tigers, the park features a strong population of leopards.
Other popular wildlife includes sloth bears, gaur, sambar, barking deer, chital, nilgai, and the Indian monitor. It is also a bird-watchers haven with approximately 215 species of birds. The crested honey buzzard is a prized sighting but there are numerous beautifully colored smaller birds.
The are abundant potential highlights for visitors of the park and reserve. As one of the country's designated tiger reserves, the Bengal tiger is one of the coveted wildlife sightings and almost always the leading highlight of the national park. At the last count, there were 88 tigers living in the park and reserve region.
Andhari River
The Andhari River is a slow moving minor river that traverses through the park and serves as part of the namesake of the protected area. It is a vital water source for the wildlife and serves as one of the areas where visitors may spot one of the mugger crocodiles.
Tadoba Lake
The Tadoba Lake is situated in the central park of the national park. It is a small lake with marshy or muddy banks. The lake also serves as a location for spotting some of the mugger crocodiles. The lake covers an area of 300 acres (120 ha).
Mugger Crocodiles
Although typically shorter, the mugger crocodiles can reach lengths up to 16.5 feet (5 m). This moderate-sized crocodile features a broad snout and targets marshy habitats along lakes or rivers. It is listed as "vulnerable" by the IUCN.
Tadoba Andhari National Park Accommodations
Things To Do:
Visitors traveling to Tadoba usually have one thing on their minds and that is wildlife spotting. The activity of the national park is the safari. It will not disappoint for the animal lovers who venture to explore all the protected area has to display.
Jeep Safari
A jeep safari is the primary and best way to experience the abundance of wildlife and landscapes the park has to offer. Most safaris are done in the morning or mid-afternoon.
Water Rafting Safari
Water rafting is an activity introduced by the park to allow visitors to experience some of the parks beauty while traversing the river on a guided raft trip. This is a different approach to the traditional safari.
Kayak Safari
The kayak safari is more engaging for the travelers that takes visitors down the river in search of landscape views and wildlife coming to the river to drink. It is another great way to watch for the abundant birdlife.
Park Protection
Tadoba Andhari National Park was created as a protected area for the Bengal tiger. The tiger, the Indian python and three of the birds are on the endangered species list. The Indian government has a committed effort to protect the habitat and subsequently the wildlife of the area. Human encroachment is the primary threat with almost 60 villages surrounding the national park.
Tadoba Andhari Highlights
- Tadoba Lake
- Bengal Tigers
- Mugger crocodiles
- Andhari River
Park Map
- Outlook Traveller, Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve, https://www.outlookindia.com/outlooktraveller/explore/story/71378/all-about-tadoba-andhari-tiger-reserve, retrieved October 2021.
- Tadoba Andhari National Park, Park Site, https://www.tadobanationalpark.in, retrieved October 2021.
- Tadoba Andhari National Park, Park Site, https://www.tadobaandharinationalpark.com, retrieved October 2021.
- Tour My India, Tadoba Andhari National Park, https://www.tourmyindia.com/wildlife_sancturies/tadoba-national-park.html, retrieved October 2021.
- Travel Triangle, Tadoba Andhari National Park: A Detailed Guide to the Home of the Royal Bengal Tigers, https://traveltriangle.com/blog/tadoba-national-park/, retrieved October 2021.